- Reference
- DDN001
- Decision made by
Andy Wright, Chief Executive
- Key decision
- Source of delegation
Urgent Decision - Article 13 of the Constitution (February 2020)
- Decision
that the Council should invest in the Materials Recycling Facility at Great Blakenham to share in profits from the same. This was a time sensitive decision to protect the financial interests of the Council. The decision had been included for consideration by Full Council on 23 March 2020, however this meeting was cancelled at short notice as a consequence of the rapidly evolving Covid-19 public health emergency
- Reason for decision
COVID-19 interim arrangements - Urgent Decisions taken by Chief Executive
- Consultation and community engagement
Consultation carried out with Cabinet Members, Chairman of the Council and senior officers of the Council including Finance
- Date decision made
March 27 2020
- Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email governance@braintree.gov.uk