- Decision made by
Cllr Wendy Schmitt, Cabinet Member for Environment and Place
- Key decision
- Source of delegation
Leader's Scheme of Delegation for 2019/20 - Para 5(a)
- Decision
To agree the increase in the Council's School Grounds Maintenance Service Level Charges for 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021
- Reason for decision
The Council has long established SLA with a number of schools in the Braintree District to under take the annual maintenance of their grounds. As part of its commercialisation agenda, the Council has taken te opportunity to review its commercial pricing strategy in relation to all od its external SLAs and contracts to ensure that we are recovering the operational costs of undertaking of this work. This has resulted in charges for schools being increased above inflation (2.4%) as ordinarily applies to most Council Services (Fees and Charges). The percentage increases and proposed annual charge for 2020/21 vary as they reflect the size of the school grounds and different specifications of work required.
- Summary of alternative options
Do nothing i.e. freeze the current charges. This would mean that Council would be generating net losses on some of the school SLAs which is not considered sustainable.
- Background documents
There are none.
- Declared conflict of interest
There are no conflicts of Interest.
- Equality and diversity implications
There are none.
- Safeguarding
There are no safeguarding issues arising out of this decision
- Legal
There are no legal issues arising out of this decision
- Customer impact
There is no customer impact arising from this decision
- Environment and climate change
There are no environmental and/or climate change issues arising from this decision.
- Consultation and community engagement
There are no consultation/community engagement issues arising from this decision
- Date decision made
March 4 2020
- Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email governance@braintree.gov.uk