Commercial Waste Charges for 2020-21 - Delegated decisions

Decision made by
Cllr Wendy Schmitt, Cabinet Member for Environment and Place
Key decision
Source of delegation
Leader's Scheme of Delegation for 2019/20 - Para 5(a)

Approval of the 2020-21 Charges for commercial waste collections provided by the Council's in-house Waste Management Team.

Reason for decision

The Council provides a Commercial Waste Service for which it can legally recover the costs of both collections and disposal. The latter is an externally imposed charge by Essex County Council (ECC), who manages and operates the "disposal" element of the service as the Waste Disposal Authority. The notification of the annual increase in disposal charge is generally out of sync with the Council's annual Budget setting process and the Council is not in a position to calculate the new charge for Commercial waste, until the disposal element of the charge is known. This year due to late the notification of the final disposal rate from ECC, we were not able to recalculate the proposed increase in time for the Counci's annual budget report to Cabinet and Council. For this reason it is necessary to obtain delegated authority to agree and authorise the increase in charges.

Summary of alternative options
Background documents
There are none.
Declared conflict of interest
There are no conflicts of Interest.
Equality and diversity implications
There are none.
There are no safeguarding issues arising out of this decision
There are no legal issues arising out of this decision
Customer impact

A small increase in charges for commercial waste collection to reflect the increase in costs including inflation and to enable full cost recovery of providing the service.

Environment and climate change
The charges for recycling collections are set lower that residual waste charges to support and encourage local businesses to think more sustainably about how they dispose of their waste.
Consultation and community engagement

There are no consultation/community engagement issues arising from this decision

Date decision made
March 4 2020
Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email