Essex Countywide Traveller Unit - Delegated decisions

Decision made by
Cabinet member for Place
To join and support the Essex Countywide Traveller Unit (ECTU) as a Partner Authority for and make a financial contribution to ECC
Reason for decision
Unauthorised traveller encampments are becoming more prevalent in the district and are taking up more and more officer time to deal with them, both technically and legally. Joining ECTU would enable the expertise to be developed within their team, provide a consistent approach to traveller enforcement and enable a broader view of traveller encampments within the County to support intelligence sharing. It would also release resource within the Distract to focus on core issues and direct efforts to prevent unauthorised encampments in the first place
Summary of alternative options
Not to support the unit and undertake to do all traveller related work ourselves
Background documents
ECC legal agreement for Partner Authorities to join the unit
Declared conflict of interest
Date decision made
August 16 2019
Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email