Development Management staffing budgets - Delegated decisions

Decision made by
Cabinet member for Finance and Performance
1). To approve setting aside £50,000 from the Development Management earmarked reserves (funds carried over from 2018/19) to meet the potential one-off costs of recruitment costs as set out in the report2). To approve a virement of £171, 680 from the Development Management planning application fees income budget to the Development Management staffing budget, to meet the cost of additional payments to staff and increased administration support 3. To approve a virement of £16,280 from the income received to MHCLG to support Neighbourhood Planning, Self Build Register and Custom Build Register to the Planning policy staff budget 4. To note that additional payments will be reviewed annually 5. To note that any future increased costs arising from the revised career grade scheme for development Management will be reflected in future salary budgets for the service based on an annual assessment of likely staff progression
Reason for decision
The decision is taken for the purposes of ensuring that the planning service is sufficiently staffed to deliver on its statutory duties of producing a Local Plan and determining planning applications
Summary of alternative options
A range of alternative options have been considered and rejected at the time the decision was made. These include providing different levels of additional payments to staff or not implementing some or all of the recommendations in the report
Background documents
The full report on the proposals including changes to pay structures
Declared conflict of interest
Equality and diversity implications
Date decision made
June 7 2019
Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email