Transfer of Hadfelda Square car park to Hatfield Peverel Parish Council - Delegated decisions

Decision made by
Cabinet member for Environment and Place
To confirm that this decision is consistent with the decision of Cabinet taken on October 12 2009 to transfer of the Council's four rural car parks to the Parish Council (Minute 71)To transfer Hadfelda Square car park to Hatfield Peverel Parish Council
Reason for decision
To complete the transfer of four rural car parks agreed by Cabinet October 12 2009
Summary of alternative options
Not to dispose of the car park to Hop and to retain the car park To transfer the whole of the car park to HPPC, not just the agreed area
Background documents
Report and minutes (minute 71) of the Cabinet Meeting October 12 2009 Service Level agreement (draft) Draft contract for the transfer of Car Park to Hatfield Peverel Parish Council Land Registry from TP1
Declared conflict of interest
Equality and diversity implications
Date decision made
March 22 2019
Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email