Replacement dosing system - Delegated decisions

Decision made by
Cabinet member for Health and Communities
To agree investment of £89,515 plus VAT to replace the pool dosing systems and associated plant from Sodium Hypochlorite to Calcium Hypochlorite and Sulphuric and Granudos system under contract clause B2 Part C appendix C12 Maintenance obligations. To be funded by the Leisure reserve.
Reason for decision
To reduce the health and safety risks of the current system and to meet contractual obligations
Summary of alternative options
Continue with the dated and not fully compliant dosing system in place at each site
Background documents
Granudos Business case
Declared conflict of interest
Equality and diversity implications
Date decision made
March 1 2019
Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email