- Decision made by
Deputy Cabinet member for Environment and Place
- Decision
That the Council agrees to 1). Enter into a 10-year Service Level Agreement with Suffolk County Council from May 16 2019 to May 15 2029 and pay a fee of £1 for each tonne of Dry Mixed Recycling delivered to their Contractor's Material Recycling Facility (MRF) 2). Join Suffolk County Council's Contract for the Provision of Sorting and Marketing Mixed Dry Recyclate for a 10-year period May 16 2019 to May 15 2029
- Reason for decision
To ensure that the Council has a cost efficient and effective contract in place that provides maximum value for money for the tax payer and its material is reprocessed and recycled
- Summary of alternative options
The Council to procure with other Essex Districts and Boroughs The Council procure independently
- Background documents
All documents relating to this decision are exempt from publication under paragraph 3, Part 1 of Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 Suffolk County Council Tender Documentation for the Provision of Sorting and Marketing of Mixed Dry Recyclate (Tender reference: CD0842/2) Suffolk County Council Tender Evaluation and Scoring Documentation The Council's Business Case (presented to Corporate Management Team Tuesday 27 November 2018) Inter-Authority Agreement between Suffolk County Council and Braintree District Council
- Declared conflict of interest
- Date decision made
November 29 2018
- Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email governance@braintree.gov.uk