- Decision made by
Cabinet member for Corporate Services and Asset Management
- Decision
That Braintree District Council agrees to make a contribution of £5,000 towards the consideration requested by Witham Town Council for its consent to the grant of rights to Bellway Homes to lay foul and surface water sewers across the River Walks land situated off Maldon Road in Witham
- Reason for decision
The Council have been pushing to exchange contracts with Bellway Homes in respect of the disposal of the Council's access land situated of Maldon Road in Witham, however Bellway Homes would not proceed to an exchange of contracts until it had secured suitable foul and surface water sewer connections for its scheme
- Summary of alternative options
Option 1: Do nothing but this would have further delayed the disposal of the Council's land or resulted in the disposal not proceeding option 2: Seek an alternative route for the foul and surface water sewer connections but Bellway Homes was unable to identify a suitable or cost effective alternative solution
- Background documents
- Declared conflict of interest
- Date decision made
July 20 2018
- Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email governance@braintree.gov.uk