Silver End Doctors Surgery - Delegated decisions

Decision made by
Cabinet member for Corporate Services and Asset Management

That the amended terms for the Council's purchase of the head-leasehold interest in the Silver End Doctors Surgery be approved and That the Council acquires the freehold interest in the Silver End Doctors Surgery site at a purchase price of £20,000 plus payment of the vendor's legal and valuation fees

Reason for decision
To approve the material variation to the Cabinet decision made on July 10 2017
Summary of alternative options
Option 1: To complete the purchase of the head leasehold and freehold interests on the amended terms Option 2: To complete the purchase of the head-leasehold without acquiring the freehold interest Option 3: To withdraw from the agreed transaction with the consequent loss of £33,000 per annum rental income
Background documents
Property file: Silver End Doctors Surgery
Declared conflict of interest
Date decision made
Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email