Additional discretionary funding to allow disabled facility grant works to be undertaken - Delegated decisions

Decision made by
Cabinet member for Environment and Place
To approve the allocation of up to an additional discretionary funding to allow disabled facility grant works to be undertaken
Reason for decision
Social Services Occupational Therapy and Social Work have provided a comprehensive report to support an application for additional funding for this client
Summary of alternative options

Not to proceed with the adaptation as recommend by the ECC Occupational Therapist and discretionary grant to proceed with a lesser scheme which did not provide adequate space for the family or accommodate all the needs

Background documents
Private Sector Housing Grants Assistance Policy dated March 2014 (revision 7) Application and supporting documentation for the referral DFG and discretionary grants
Declared conflict of interest
Date decision made
December 7 2017
Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email