Tabor Centre lease renewal - Delegated decisions

Decision made by
Cabinet member for Corporate Services and Asset Management
That the existing lease granted to the Tabor Centre in respect of the Woodwork Buildings at Weavers Park, Braintree, be extended for a period of 30 years and on the same principal terms
Reason for decision
To assist the Trustees with a grant application for funding to extend the range of services offered by the Tabor Centre
Summary of alternative options
Option 1: To grant the proposed 30 year lease extension on the existing lease terms (The Recommended Option)Option 2: To transfer the freehold ownership of the tabor Centre to the Trustees. Option 3: To decline the request to extend the lease
Background documents
Property file, Tabor Centre, Weavers Park, Braintree
Declared conflict of interest
Date decision made
October 24 2017
Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email