- Decision made by
Corporate Director
- Decision
Approve the expenditure of £369,000 out of the earmarked reserves to fund the repairs and associated costs in repairing the main pool at the Braintree Swimming and Fitness Centre
- Reason for decision
Options have been explored for relining the Main Pool and following a competitive tender exercise, SA Pool Systems Ltd have been selected to undertake the repair to the Main Pool using a two coat epoxy resin system.£800,000 Funds were put into reserves in 2014 to cover the costs associated with repairs to the Pool
- Summary of alternative options
An options appraisal was carried out prior to the submission to Cabinet on February 6 2017 and the epoxy coating system method was selected as the preferred option to repair the Main Pool on the basis of cost, durability and importantly the duration of closure required of the Main Pool required to carry out the repairs and the overall impact this would have on the Braintree Swimming and Fitness Centre, its customers and the public
- Background documents
Report and minutes of Cabinet February 3 2014 Report and minutes of Cabinet February 6 2017 Report and minutes of Full Council February 17 2014
- Declared conflict of interest
- Date decision made
February 14 2017
- Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email governance@braintree.gov.uk