Neighbourhood Area Application for Bradwell with Pattiswick Parish Council - Delegated decisions

Decision made by
Leader of the Council
That the Neighbourhood Area Application covering the extent of Bradwell with Pattiswick Parish Council is approved
Reason for decision
This is the initial step for the production of a Neighbourhood Plan. The approval of the neighbourhood area application for Bradwell with Pattiswick Parish Council will to enable the production of a Neighbourhood Plan
Summary of alternative options

That the neighbourhood Area application is amended that the neighbourhood Area application is rejected

Background documents
Letter and map received from Bradwell with (No Suggestions) Parish Council received July 21 2016
Declared conflict of interest
The Portfolio Holder, Councillor Lady Newton, and Deputy Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Neighbourhood Planning are the Ward members for Coggeshall; therefore the Leader of the Council has been asked to determine this matter
Date decision made
September 9 2016
Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email