3. Functions of the Head of Paid Service - Constitution - Chapter 1, The Articles

Constitution overview > Chapter 1 - The Articles > Article 13 - Officers > 3. Functions of the Head of Paid Service

3.1. The Head of Paid Service will have the following functions and areas of responsibility:-

3.1.1.  Overall corporate management and operational responsibility (including overall management responsibility for all officers);

3.1.2.  Provision of professional advice to all parties in the decision making process;

3.1.3.  Responsibility for a system of record keeping for all the Council’s decisions;

3.1.4.  Responsibility for promoting and maintaining probity in all of the Council’s activities;

3.1.5.  Representing the Council on partnerships and external bodies as required by Council or by statute;

3.1.6.  Acting as co-ordinator in Emergencies;

3.1.7.  Be the Electoral Registration Officer and the Local Government Returning Officer and to be empowered in relation to all electoral matters;

3.1.8.  Be the proper officer for all statutory purposes unless otherwise determined by this constitution;

3.1.9.  Be able to exercise all the powers delegated to the Corporate Directors unless there is a legal or professional impediment;

3.1.10.  Take urgent decisions in respect of either an executive or non- executive function which is considered necessary to protect the interests of or for advancing the business of the Council. In those circumstances, the Chief Executive is authorised to take urgent decisions following consultation with the Leader of the Council and the relevant portfolio holder in respect of executive matters and the Chairman (or Vice Chairman) of Council or the relevant committee in respect of non-executive functions. All urgent decisions will be reported to the next appropriate meeting of Council, Cabinet or the relevant committee; and

3.1.11. The Head of Paid Service may not be the Monitoring Officer but may hold the post of the S.151 Officer if a qualified accountant.

Advice on the Constitution can be obtained from the Monitoring Officer or the Governance and Members Team.