2. Joint Arrangements - Constitution - Chapter 1, The Articles

2.1.  The Council may establish joint arrangements with one or more local authorities and/or their Cabinets to exercise functions which are not Cabinet functions in any of the participating authorities, or advise the Council. Such arrangements may involve the appointment of a joint committee with these other local authorities.

2.2.  The Cabinet may establish joint arrangements with one or more local authorities to exercise functions which are Cabinet functions. Such arrangements may involve the appointment of joint committees with these other local authorities.

2.3.  Except as set out below, the Cabinet may only appoint Cabinet members to a joint committee and those members need not reflect the political composition of the local authority as a whole.

2.4.  Where the joint committee has functions for only part of the District and that area is smaller than two-fifths by area or population, the Cabinet may appoint members to sit on the joint committee from outside the membership of Cabinet. In such cases, the Cabinet may appoint to the joint committee any Councillor who is a member for a ward which is wholly or partly contained within the area. In this case the political balance requirements do not apply to such appointments.

2.5.  Details of any formal joint committee arrangements will be maintained by the Head of Governance.

Advice on the Constitution can be obtained from the Monitoring Officer or the Governance and Members Team.