5. Functions of the Partnership Development Group - Constitution - Chapter 1, The Articles

Constitution overview > Chapter 1 - The Articles > Article 7 - Scrutiny > 5. Functions of the Partnership Development Group

5.1. The Community Development Group will perform the following functions:-

5.1.1.  To conduct reviews of policy, services and aspects of services where there is an identifiable need, by itself or through the establishing of a task and finish group;

5.1.2.  To make suggestions on the development of policies and suggest new policies where appropriate;

5.1.3.  To work with or appoint representatives to work with other local authorities to carry out joint scrutiny;

5.1.4.  In relation to the following areas:  driving forward existing partnerships  helping to bring partnership working into the Council’s mainstream work bringing together partners within the public sector for the benefit of the community developing an approach to future partnership working with both the public and the private sector. To receive the annual report of the Community Safety Partnership.

Advice on the Constitution can be obtained from the Monitoring Officer or the Governance and Members Team.