3. Functions of the Performance Management Board - Constitution - Chapter 1, The Articles

Constitution overview > Chapter 1 - The Articles > Article 7 - Scrutiny > 3. Functions of the Performance Management Board

3.1. The Performance Management Board will perform the following functions:-

3.1.1.  To consider and call in decisions relating to the discharge of Cabinet functions before those are put into effect. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee can ask the Cabinet to reconsider any such decision;

3.1.2.  To consider decisions relating to the discharge of Cabinet functions after they are put into effect;

3.1.3.  To consider the Decision Planner and to comment as appropriate to the decision maker on key decisions before they are taken by the Cabinet;

3.1.4.  To conduct reviews of policy, services and aspects of services where there is an identifiable need, by itself or through the establishing of a task and finish group;

3.1.5.  To make suggestions on the development of policies and suggest new policies where appropriate;

3.1.6.  To work with or appoint representatives to work with other local authorities to carry out joint scrutiny;

3.1.7.  To assist the Cabinet in the development of the Policy Framework and the Budget in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules;

3.1.8.  To receive and consider recommendations on issues requiring scrutiny under the Local Government Act 2000 and the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 as amended and where appropriate establishing Task and Finish groups for those purposes;

3.1.9.  To exercise the power assigned to a crime and disorder scrutiny committee under the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 and the Police and Justice Act 2006;

3.1.10.  To receive reports, presentations and updates in order to scrutinise the Cabinet’s priorities for and its performance in the year;

3.1.11.  To review and scrutinise the performance of the Cabinet, the Cabinet Members and appropriate officers in relation to individual decisions; and

3.1.12.  To approve an annual overview and scrutiny work programme.

Advice on the Constitution can be obtained from the Monitoring Officer or the Governance and Members Team.