7. Delegation of Functions - Constitution - Chapter 1, The Articles

7.1.  The Leader of the Council shall publish their scheme of delegation for the discharge of all executive functions and report this to the Annual Meeting of the Council..

7.2.  This scheme will be published alongside the Constitution and will be maintained by the Monitoring Officer in accordance with the instructions of the Leader of the Council.

7.3.  The Leader of the Council may make in year changes to their scheme of delegation subject to informing the Chief Executive in writing in advance of making any change. Any change to the scheme of delegation must be reported to the next meeting of Cabinet.

7.4.  The Leader may delegate functions to; a Cabinet Member, a sub-committee of Cabinet, the Chief Executive, a Corporate Director under whose managerial responsibility the executive function falls or any other officer. Any matter not specifically delegated remains the responsibility of the Leader.

7.5.  Even where an executive function has been delegated to a Cabinet Member, a sub-committee of Cabinet or officer, the Leader of the Council has the right to take that decision or refer it to Cabinet where the circumstances are particularly sensitive or if the decision in question involves changes to policy or strategy.

7.6.  The Leader may at their discretion establish a sub-committee or working group of Cabinet.

7.7.  The Monitoring Officer shall maintain a list of sub-committees and working groups of Cabinet as part of the Leader’s scheme of delegation.

7.8.  Without limiting the power of the Leader of the Council to create sub- committees or working groups, the following may be established:-

7.8.1.  Developing Democracy Group

7.8.2.  Member Development Working Group

7.8.3.  Local Plan Sub-Committee

7.8.4.  Emergency Committee

7.8.5.  Joint Consultative Group


Advice on the Constitution can be obtained from the Monitoring Officer or the Governance and Members Team.