5. Functions of the Cabinet - Constitution - Chapter 1, The Articles

5.1.  By virtue of the Local Government Act 2000 as amended, every function of the Council is an executive function unless a statute states otherwise or a function is identified as either a non-executive function or a local choice function which has not been allocated to the Cabinet by the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 as amended. All executive functions are vested by law in the Leader of the Council.

5.2.  Subject to the provisions of Article A6.6, the Leader of the Council and their Cabinet can exercise their powers and duties as they see fit subject to ensuring that any decision is :-

5.2.1.  not contrary to the Policy Framework and/or the Budget;

5.2.2.  compliant with the Council’s relevant Procedure Rules; and

5.2.3.  compliant with any legislative requirements and all applicable rules of law.

5.2.4.  Without limiting its powers and duties, the Cabinet shall:-

5.2.5.  Make recommendations to the Council on the formulation, adoption and revision of the Budget and the Policy Framework;

5.2.6.  Review the use and allocation of assets and resources within the approved Budget;

5.2.7.  Make Key Decisions within the agreed Budget and Policy Framework;

5.2.8.  Performance monitoring and management; and

5.2.9.  Develop Council policy.

5.2.10. So far as the responsibilities may arise under relevant legislation, the Cabinet may exercise the local choice functions set out in Schedule 2 to the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000.

Advice on the Constitution can be obtained from the Monitoring Officer or the Governance and Members Team.