3. Leader of the Council - Constitution - Chapter 1, The Articles

3.1.  Where there is a majority political party group within the Council membership, the leader of that political party group will be the Leader of the Council. Where there is no majority political party group within the Council, the Leader of the Council will be a Councillor elected to that position at Full Council.

3.2.  The Leader of the Council will hold office for a period of 4 years or until the Leader’s ordinary term of office as a Councillor expires (whichever is the shorter). The Leader of the Council shall continue to hold office until:

3.2.1.  they resign from the office; or

3.2.2.  they are no longer a Councillor; or

3.2.3.  they are removed from office by a resolution of the Council.

3.3.  All executive functions of the Council are vested by law in the Leader of the Council. They therefore has overall responsibility for the discharge of all executive functions and can either discharge them themselves or may arrange for them to be discharged by the Cabinet collectively, by a Cabinet Member, by a sub- committee of Cabinet or by an officer.

3.4.  The Leader of the Council shall provide political direction on those areas overseen by the Cabinet and to the Chief Executive and Directors on the overall corporate priorities and objectives as set by Council.

3.5.  The Leader shall:-

3.5.1.  work closely with other Cabinet Members to ensure the development of effective policies and high quality services to the people of the Braintree District;

3.5.2.  work with relevant Cabinet Members in developing revenue budget and capital programme strategies and ensuring probity and financial monitoring;

3.5.3.  guide policy and strategy proposals through the Council where the final decision rests with the Council;

3.5.4.  act as an ambassador for the Council;

3.5.5.  maintain professional working relationships and establish mutual respects with the Chairmen of the Council’s regulatory and overview and scrutiny committees and with all other Councillors and officers; and

3.5.6.  be a promoter and upholder of equalities and high standards of ethical conduct.

Advice on the Constitution can be obtained from the Monitoring Officer or the Governance and Members Team.