2. Ceremonial Functions of the Chairman of the Council - Constitution - Chapter 1, The Articles

Constitution overview > Chapter 1 - The Articles > Article 5 - Chairing the Council > 2. Ceremonial Functions of the Chairman of the Council

2.1. The Chairman shall:-

2.1.1.  represent the whole District during their term of office;

2.1.2.  be its representative, to provide fair and visible civic leadership to the Council and promote active citizenship;

2.1.3.  act as a link between the Council and various groups and organisations within the Braintree District;

2.1.4.  maintain an overview of the needs and concerns of the community they serve;

2.1.5.  raise the profile of the Council and the District and to promote the aims and values of the Council within the community; and

2.1.6.  attend such civic and ceremonial functions of the Council as they determine appropriate.

Advice on the Constitution can be obtained from the Monitoring Officer or the Governance and Members Team.