1. Functions of Council - Constitution - Chapter 1, The Articles

1.1. The functions of Council are to:-

1.1.1.  Adopt and approve any changes to the Constitution or to the Members’ Allowance Scheme that may be proposed in accordance with the provisions of Article 17;

1.1.2.  Approve the Policy Framework and the Budget (see Article 14);

1.1.3.  Take decisions in respect of any recommendation made by the Cabinet or Committees which would be contrary to the Policy Framework and/or the Budget;

1.1.4.  Take decisions in respect of functions which must by law be reserved to the Council, local choice functions that Council has decided to reserve to itself or other functions that are not the responsibility of Cabinet and/or have not been delegated to committees, sub- committees or officers;

1.1.5.  Elect the Chairman of the Council, appoint the Vice Chairman of the Council and the Leader of the Council;

1.1.6.  Make appointments to committees and nominate representatives to outside bodies unless the appointment is a Cabinet function or has been delegated by Council to a committee or officer;

1.1.7.  Appoint the Head of Paid Service, Electoral Registration Officer, Local Government Returning Officer, Monitoring Officer and the S.151 Officer;

1.1.8.  Consider reports of the Monitoring Officer and the S.151 Officer issued in pursuance of their respective statutory duties;

1.1.9.  Make, amend, revoke, re-enact or adopt byelaws and promote or oppose the making of local legislation or private Bills;

1.1.10.  Respond to appropriate bodies with regard to boundary reviews or other electoral issues including for example the designation of the acting or local returning officer for the purposes of a county, European, parliamentary or other form of election or referendum;

1.1.11.  Changing the name of the area, electoral areas and parishes;

1.1.12.  In relation to parishes and parish councils, make considerations of the size of parish councils, dissolving, grouping and separating parishes; and undertaking community governance community reviews

1.1.13.  Consider changing governance arrangements for Parish, Ward or County District boundaries and community governance; and

1.1.14.  Establishing, creating and removing polling districts, altering the years of ordinary elections of councillors and parish councillors.

1.2. Provide a forum for Councillors to do the following:-

1.2.1.  Debate issues of importance to the District;

1.2.2.  To hear addresses and receive petitions on matters of importance to the District in accordance with the relevant procedure rules contained within this Constitution; and

1.2.3. To hold the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairmen to account.

Advice on the Constitution can be obtained from the Monitoring Officer or the Governance and Members Team.