In September 2021, all Commercial customers were invited to take part in an online customer satisfaction survey to score and comment on the overall performance and service standards provided by our Commercial Waste and Recycling Team. There are currently 1,117 commercial customers and 47 customers responded, representing a response rate of 4%. The results of the survey are detailed below.
Q1. In your most recent customer service experience, how did you contact us?
- In Person 1 (3%)
- By Phone 20 (57%)
- Internet 2 (6%)
- By letter / email (34%)
Q2. Did our representative... Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree or agree Disagree or strongly disagree (a) Reply promptly? 24 19 3 0 93% 7% (b) Appear knowledgeable and competent? 18 18 2 0 95% 5% (c) Handle issues with courtesy and professionalism? 20 15 2 0 95% 5% (d) Resolve the issue quickly? 18 13 4 2 84% 16% Q3. Do you find the collection crews polite & friendly?
25 14 0 1 98% 3% Q4. Is the service regular/reliable?
27 13 1 2 93% 7% Q5. Are the bins returned correctly after emptying (i.e. to the same place they were collected from)?
23 15 2 0 95% 5%
Q6. Do the existing arrangements meet your current needs?
Answer Score Percentage Yes 110 87% No 6 13%
Q7. Do you think they will meet your future needs?
Answer Score Percentage Yes 110 87% No 6 13%
Q8. Overall, how would you rate the customer service experience?
Score Responses Percentage Excellent 20 44.4% Very Good 15 33.3% Satisfactory 9 20.0% Poor 1 2.2% Very Poor 1 2.2%
Whilst the overall response rate has been low for this first online survey, no doubt due to the many challenges that are pre-occupying businesses during this challenging period, the results are very positive and provide us a great base to make continuous improvements in the service that we provide.