Election results for Great Yeldham - Town and Parish election results

Introduction text
The last Town and Parish elections took place in 2019.
Great Yeldham

Marlene Gloria Broomfield: 226 votes Elected

Georgina Michelle Burr: 140 votes Elected

Anne Veronica Burrows: 246 votes Elected

Mercedes Anne Margaret Damaris De Dunewic, Independent: 81 votes

Philip Micheal Edward King: 210 votes Elected

John Martin Leonard Marks: 215 votes Elected

Lewis Stephen Mundy-Gill: 98 votes Elected

Phillip William Rawlinson: 209 votes Elected

Barry Keith Sargeant: 203 votes Elected

Robin Louise Weiland: 102 votes Elected 

Elected candidates

Marlene Gloria Broomfield

Georgina Michelle Burr

Anne Veronica Burrows

Philip Micheal Edward King

John Martin Leonard Marks

Lewis Stephen Mundy-Gill

Phillip William Rawlinson

Barry Keith Sargeant

Robin Louise Weiland

Poll details
Vacant seats: 9
Electorate: 1380
Ballot papers issued: 394
Turnout: 28.55%