Halstead precept details - Parish precepts


You should contact Halstead Town Council with any questions about these figures.

Precept detail 2024/25


Bank interest: £1,500.00

Queens hall and office: £16,000.00

Coach outings: £13,000.00

Courtaulds cost recovered: £1,776.00

Car parks: £123,782.00

Tenancies: £34,465.00

Allotments: £4,700.00

Total Income: £425,403


Staff costs: £238,054.00

Administration: £34,371.00

Queens Hall and Offices: £24,370.00

Activities: £27,000.00

Coach outings: £10,000.00

Allotments: £1,860.00

Grants: £5,000.00

Civic: £2,300.00

Environment & Courtaulds: £18,200.00

Car parks: £23,500.00

Empire Theatre: £3,300.00

Public toilets: £9,250.00

Total Expenditure: £397,205.00

Precept detail 2023/24


Administration: £0

Coach outings: £ 13,000

Allotments: £4,700

Queens hall: £16,000

Tenancies: £32,365

Car Parks - charges: £67,000

Car Parks - permits: £16,000

Car Parks - excess charges: £5,000

Car Parks - attendance: £26,532

Precept: £219,462

Localism grant: £0

Collection refund: £0

Total Income: £401,059.00


Activities: £28,500

Administration: £28,600

Empire Theatre: £2,000

Outings: £10,000

Allotments: £1,500

Queens hall/offices: £23,150

Public Conveniences: £9,350

S137 Grants: £4,000

Environment: £21,650

Courtaulds: £4,500

Civic: £2,200

Car Parks: £21,400

Salaries and Wages: £205,144

Total Expenditure: £361,994

Precept detail 2022/23


Administration: £0

Coach outings: £13,000

Allotments: £4,242

Queens hall: £14,000

Tenancies: £31,900

Car Parks - charges: £67,000

Car Parks - permits: £16,000

Car Parks - excess charges: £65,00

Car Parks - attendance: £28,766

Precept: £212,599

Localism grant: £0

Collection refund: £0

Total Income: £394,007


Activities: £24,370

Administration: £35,000

Empire Theatre: £2,000

Outings: £13,000

Allotments: £2,900

Queens hall/offices: £16,500

Public Conveniences: £10,600

S137 Grants: £6,000

Environment: £16,600

Courtaulds: £4,400

Civic: £2,200

Car Parks: £32,900

Salaries and Wages: £182,149

Total Expenditure: £3486,619

Precept detail 2021/22


Administration: £0

Coach outings: £0

Allotments: £4,242

Queens hall: £6,000

Tenancies: £29,500

Car Parks - charges: £50,000

Car Parks - permits: £14,000

Car Parks - excess charges: £7,000

Car Parks - attendance: £28,766

Precept: £199,907

Localism grant: £0

Collection refund: £2,662

Total Income: £342,007


Activities: £22,150

Administration: £26,700

Empire Theatre: £2,000

Outings: £0

Allotments: £2,520

Queens hall/offices: £11,220

Public Conveniences: £9,300

S137 Grants: £4,000

Environment: £11,220

Courtaulds: £7,070

Civic: £2,200

Car Parks: £21,200

Salaries and Wages: £188,975

Total Expenditure: £313,935

Precept detail 2020/21


Administration: 0

Coach outings: £13,343

Allotments: £3,950

Queens hall: £14,000

Tenancies: £ 31,900

Car Parks - charges: £64,500

Car Parks - permits: £14,600

Car Parks - excess charges: £7000

Car Parks - attendance: £28,766

Precept: £191,183

Localism grant: 0

Collection refund: £2,382

Total Income: £371,625



Activities: £21,950

Administration: £20,000

Empire Theatre: £1,000

Outings: £12,240

Allotments: £2,500

QH/offices: £14,750

Public Conveniences: £8,600

S137 Grants: £2,000

Environment: £13,570

Courtaulds: £7,020

Civic: £2,600

Car Parks: £25,330

Salaries and Wages: £203,456

Total Expenditure: £335,016