Animal boarding
- application fee, £255
- grant fee, £127
- total, £382
Animal boarding – Dog home boarding
- application fee, £175
- grant fee, £96
- total, £271
Dog breeding
- application fee, £255
- grant fee, £127
- total, £382 (plus vets fees)
Selling animals as pets
- application fee, £255
- grant fee, £127
- total, £382
Hiring out horses
- application fee, £255
- grant fee, £127
- total, £382 (plus vets fees)
Keeping animals for exhibition
- application fee, £207
- grant fee, £127
- total, £334
Variation to licence or re-evaluation of risk score (All activities)
- total, £111
Inspection variation to licence/re-evaluation of risk score (All activities)
- total, £165
Inspection appeal of a risk rating score (All activities)
- total, £165
Variation to reduce licensable activities or numbers of animals (All activities)
- total, £111
Transfer of licence (All activities)
- total, £111