Second vehicle access to Horizon 120 from A131 - Delegated decisions

Decision made by

Corporate Director (Finance)


That Cabinet agreed: 1. The Heads of Tenns with the vendors; 2. The Heads of Tenns with Gridserve; 3. The Corporate Director 
(Finance), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Transformation, to approve the final Heads of Terms with the vendors; 4. The Corporate Director (Finance), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Transformation, to approve the final terms of a Deed of Easement, with Gridserve Limited.


Reason for decision

To facilitate the provision of a second vehicle access, to Horizon 120, from the A131 and to accept the freehold transfer of additional land, to accommodate that access.

Summary of alternative options

Essex County Council has stated explicitly that a shared access is the only acceptable option. 

The Council could propose an alternative location, for the new Junction, within the Horizon 120 boundary. This would entail loss of developable area, and therefore value. 

Choosing an alternative location would require additional design and a new application for technical approval. It would also require delay to adoption of the LDO and to consideration of the separate planning applications for infrastructure and levels 

The Council's technical team has explored a range of options to optimise the design, location and dimensions of the access road while making proper provision for heavy goods vehicles. 

The heads of terms outlined above represent both the best and the most practical solution for all parties. 

Declared conflict of interest

There are no conflicts of interest

Equality and diversity implications

There are none


There are none


This proposal includes the disposal, acquisition and granting of separate interests in land. It therefore requires Cabinet authority to proceed.

Howes Percival have advised on the property aspects of the proposed transaction.

Customer impact

There are none

Environment and climate change

There are none

Consultation and community engagement

The Cabinet Member for Corporate Transformation has been consulted and is in agreement with the proposed decision.

Date decision made

13 May 2020

Contact us

You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email