Our Corporate Priorities 2024 to 2028



Councillor Graham Butland


Welcome to Braintree District Council’s Corporate Strategy 2024 to 2028, setting out our high-level ambitions and priorities for the next four years.

A thriving district bursting with opportunity, strong, safe and vibrant communities where businesses can flourish and everyone enjoys a good quality of life, with accessible services meeting people’s needs. That’s at the heart of our vision.

This strategy reflects our commitment to collaboration and is shaped by feedback from residents, stakeholders and members. Insights from consultations have been instrumental in developing our priorities, ensuring our strategic direction aligns with the aspirations of those who live and work in our district.

Like everywhere, we have our challenges. Too many families are living in poverty and life expectancy and quality of life is impacted by where you live. All of this has been compounded by COVID and the cost-of-living crisis. We remain committed to tackling inequality and making a positive impact in the communities we serve.

The requirement to safeguard our environment has never been more evident. Understanding the close link between the environment and human health is crucial. It enables us to integrate sustainable practices into our lives to reduce the impact of climate change and use our open spaces to support the health and well-being of current and future generations.

In navigating our path ahead, it is imperative that we safeguard the Council’s ability to deliver and protect services that our residents and businesses rely on and value, by re-evaluating our approach to service delivery, recognising that continued success relies upon working closely with our partners across Essex and beyond. Our Fit for the Future transformation programme is a dynamic initiative aimed at ensuring our district remains resilient and adaptable in an ever-evolving landscape, positioning us to proactively meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Building on our track record of service delivery, this plan represents our commitment to maintaining and enhancing the high standards we have set in providing quality services, as we pave the way for a district that thrives on the strengths of its communities, businesses and environment and the shared commitment to a brighter future.

Signature of Councillor Graham Butland


Cllr Graham Butland, Leader, Braintree District Council