Braintree District Volunteer and Active Braintree Awards 2023 - Terms and Conditions

Braintree District Volunteer and Active Braintree Awards 2024 - Terms and Conditions

Nomination Rules

  • For the purposes of these awards we define volunteering as activity that involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that benefits someone (individuals or groups) or the environment. This can include formal activity undertaken through public, private and voluntary organisations as well as informal community participation and social action.
  • Nominations will open on Monday 8 July 2024 and must be received by 5pm on the Friday 13 September 2024 on the official nomination form (online). Only nominations received before this date and time will be considered. No responsibility will be taken for any received nominations after that date and time.
  • Nominations for volunteering must have either lived or volunteered or be part of a club or organisation based in the Braintree District at some time in the year from April 2023 to September 2024.
  • Nominations for the Health and Wellbeing Award and Sports or Physical Activity Club of the Year must be based within Braintree District
  • Nominations for Sports Personality (Adult and Young Person) and Sports Coach must either live or be part of a club or organisation based in the Braintree District.
  • To be nominated for the Sports Personality (Adult) the nominee must be aged 18 or over on the 13 September 2024 and to be nominated for the Sports Personality (Young Person) the nominee must be aged under 18 on the 13 September 2024.
  • Nominations are invited from voluntary and community sector organisations, schools, sports clubs, cultural organisations, members of the public or any organisation, business or enterprise.
  • The judges’ decision is final and will be judged on the information provided on the form. No correspondence will be entered into about the decisions.
  • The judges reserve the right not to make an award in any category if they consider nominations to be unsuitable.
  • Nomination details, including nominator’s information, will be used in publicity including photographs, media and/or articles for promotional purposes.
  • Personal Information provided throughout the nomination process will be protected in accordance with Braintree District’s GDPR guidelines.
  • Individuals cannot nominate themselves for an award. Nominations for a relative are permissible.
  • There is no limit to the number of nominations any individual may make.
  • Nominations are judged on merit and information provided on the nomination form. The number of nominations for an individual or group will not influence the decision.
  • Nominees can only be awarded one award except for the Volunteer of the Year award which the judges will select from the winner of each category including Volunteer Group of the Year and Sports Coach of the Year.
  • If a nomination is under 18 years old their parent or guardian must give their permission.
  • Winners will receive a plaque and certificate. There is no cash or alternative award available, in whole or in part.
  • All rights are reserved to withhold, change or cancel the awards in the event of non-compliance with these rules.
  • Entry in the awards signifies acceptance of these Terms and Conditions