Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed)

4.0 How will grants be provided to Businesses?

4.1: The Council is fully aware of the importance of these grants to assist businesses and support the local community and economy. The Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) scheme together with the Council's Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) scheme will offer a lifeline to businesses who are struggling to survive during to the COVID-19 crisis.

4.2: Details of how to obtain grants are available on the Council's website: www.braintree.gov.uk/LRSgrants

4.3: In all cases businesses will be required to confirm that they are eligible to receive the grants. This includes where the Council already has bank details for the business and are in a position to send out funding immediately. Businesses are under an obligation to notify the Council should they no longer meet the eligibility criteria for any additional grants.

4.4: The Council reserves the right request any supplementary information from businesses, and they should look to provide this, where requested, as soon as possible.

4.5: An application for a Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) is deemed to  have  been made when a duly completed application form is received via  the  Council's  online procedure.

4.6: All monies paid under this scheme will be funded by Government and paid to the Council under 531 of the Local Government Act 2003.