Our budget challenge
Your local council tax helps to fund over 100 local services provided by this Council, from waste collection, leisure centres, keeping the streets clean and removing litter, to providing community transport for the vulnerable and helping those in housing need. You can read more about what we delivered during 2022-23 on our 'delivering priorities' page.
Due to the council's prudent financial management, this year we are able to invest more into the community and targeted support for residents, while continuing to deliver necessary savings and the long-term financial sustainability of services.
We are able to ensure no cuts to services and freezing charges for car parking and the garden waste subscription service.
This is all whilst we continue to face inflationary impacts and rising demand for services. This means we must keep planning for the long-term, delivering through transformation changes that will protect services and ensure financial sustainability.
Most of our funding for the services we provide to you comes directly from local council tax, business rates and income from fees and charges.
In simple terms, the cost of running council services is now higher than the money we can raise through council tax and other fees. Even raising council tax and other charges does not bring in enough money to close the budget gap, and so over many years councils have had to make savings and look where we can be more efficient and generate income.
Read more about our budget proposals for 2025/2026 on our news page.
Budget 2025/26
Full details of the budget for 2025/2026 can be viewed in our Cabinet papers.
The budget will be considered at our scrutiny committee on 29 January and Cabinet on 3 February. The final budget will be decided at a Full Council meeting on 24 February.
You can watch all of these meetings on our YouTube channel.
Financial support
Help is available if you are experiencing financial difficulties.
Visit our Council Tax page for council tax support.
Visit our Cost of living page for a range of support including debt, jobs and career advice, cost of living payments, medical costs and warm rooms.
How the budget is funded
Our total budget is £21.34 million for 2025-2026.
This is funded by:
- 60% council taxpayers
- 35% business ratepayers
- 5% central government grants
Although we collect council tax, the money doesn't just pay for our services.
It also pays for services by the police, fire, county council, parish and town councils too.
For every £1 people pay in council tax, just over 9p goes to Braintree District Council. Essex County Council receives 72p, Essex Police & Crime Commissioner receives 12p, Essex Fire Authority receives 4p and parish and town councils receive 3p.