Braintree Adoption Statement (February 2021) - Documents for the section 1 examination

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Planning and compulsory purchase act 2004

Town and country planning regulations (local planning) (England)(2012) regulations 26 & 35 (as amended)

Braintree district local plan 2013 – 2033 north Essex authorities shared strategic section 1 plan (development plan document) adoption statement

In accordance with Regulations 26 and 35 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) notice is hereby given that Braintree District Council, by decision at the meeting of Full Council on Monday 22nd February 2021, has formally adopted the Braintree District Local Plan 2013-2033 Section 1 North Essex Authorities Shared Strategic Section 1 Plan (The Section 1 Plan).

The “Section 1 Plan” was prepared jointly by Braintree District Council, Colchester Borough Council and Tendring District Council – the “local planning authorities (LPAs) collectively known as the “North Essex Authorities” (NEAs) for form the first part of each authorities respective Local Plans. The Section 1 Plan is designed to:

  • Articulate a spatial portrait of the North Essex area, including its main settlements and strategic infrastructure, as a framework for accommodating future planning growth;
  • Provide a strategic vision for how planning growth in North Essex will be realised;
  • Set strategic objectives and policies for key growth topics;
  • Set out the numbers of additional homes and jobs across the area that will be needed covering the period to 2033.

For Braintree the Section 1 Plan includes Policy SP4 which requires a minimum housing requirement of 14,320 new homes over the period 2013 to 2033, an annual average of 716 new homes. Through Policy SP5, the Section 1 Plan also sets out employment land requirements for Braintree of 20.9 and 43.3 hectares for the Plan period.

Following examination by an independent Planning Inspector, a “Final Report on the Examination of the North Essex Authorities Shared Strategic Section 1 Plan” was received by Braintree District Council and the other NEAs on 10th December 2020. The above- mentioned report confirmed that, subject to the Inspector’s recommended “main modifications” (as per section 23(3) of the Act (which have been agreed by the Council and incorporated into the adopted document), the Section 1 Plan meets legal requirements of the national planning system and the “tests of soundness” contained within national planning policy – as necessary for it to proceed to formal adoption.

The formal adoption of the Section 1 Local Plan by Braintree District Council has the effect of replacing, in part, a number of the strategic policies contained within the Braintree District Core Strategy 2011 (Adopted September 2011). The Core Strategy (2011) and Local Plan Review (2005) will be replaced in full on the formal adoption of the Section 2 Local Plan which contains further specific local policies and proposals applicable to the Braintree District only.

Any person aggrieved by Braintree District Council’s decision to adopt the Section 1 Plan may make an application, under Section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 to the High Court, on the grounds that the document is not within the appropriate powers and/or a procedural requirement has not been complied with.

Any such application should be made promptly and, in any event, no later than the end of the six-week challenge period, 12 noon 5th April 2021.

The Section 1 Plan and its appendices, this adoption statement, the Sustainability Appraisal (and addendum) and the Planning Inspector’s report are available to view online via the Council’s website. 

For further information please contact:
Planning Policy Team at or in writing to:

Planning Policy, Braintree District Council, Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree, Essex, CM7 9HB

Telephone – (01376) 552525.
E-mail –


Document summary
  • Type: PDF
  • Size: 252KB
  • Date: February 2021

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