Opening Dates

Opening Dates


Admission to an open day is by donation (cash preferred) as online digital facilities are very limited.

We also have a small collection of historic agriculture items including a range of scale working models of the mill on display to try on the ground floor. Souvenirs, guide books, and gifts available to buy.

Friends of Bocking Windmill are pleased to Open up the Mill for visitors to come in and view on the following dates in 2024

Sunday April 7th
11am to 3pm

Sunday April 21st
11am to 3pm

Monday May 6th (Bocking May Day Fair)
11am to 4pm

Sunday 19th May
11am to 3pm

Sunday June 9th
11am to 3pm

Sunday June 23rd
11am to 3pm

Sunday July 7th
11am to 3pm

Sunday July 21st
11am to 3pm

Sunday August 11th
11am to 3pm

Sunday August 25th
11am to 3pm

Sunday September 8th (National Heritage Open Day)
11am to 3pm

Sunday September 22nd
11am to 3pm

Sunday October 6th
11am to 3pm

Sunday October 20th
11am to 3pm

Sunday December 8th (Christmas Event)
11am to 2:30pm

Please note that dates and times are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances and will be published on facebook and the website once known

Admission is free of charge but donations towards the upkeep of the Mill is greatly received by friends of Bocking Windmill volunteers.