About the partnership project


The new Housing StatNav is the outcome of the joint partnership project which began in January 2011. This has been funded by The Community and Housing Investment Partnership fund – which was created as a joint partnership fund between Greenfields Community Housing (now Eastlight Community Homes) and Braintree District Council in 2007 after the housing stock transfer. 

In late 2010, Greenfields (now Eastlight Community Homes) and Braintree District Council put together proposals to initiate a project that would obtain an accurate and detailed picture of housing needs across the District and bring forward new development opportunities for Greenfields (now Eastlight Community Homes). Funding was obtained for a Project Manager post to work across both organisations to ensure that both companies’ data and knowledge was used in the best way to achieve these objectives.

The new Housing StatNav 

The Housing StatNav is one of the results from this project investment. It provides a detailed picture of affordable housing needs for both organisations and enabling a clear and strategic approach for planning the locations and mix of new affordable homes in the District. It provides housing professionals working with communities in the District with the knowledge to advise customers, stakeholders and community groups with accurate information about affordable housing needs in the District down to a Parish level.

The Housing StatNav has been funded entirely through this CHIP funded project post. No additional costs have been incurred for any specialist ICT software by either organisations.

Rather than just being the end of a project, the Housing StatNav is also just the beginning. It provides exciting and ongoing opportunities for further analysis for both organisations.