Finchingfield and Cornish Hall End - Information about Parishes in the district

Overview of the Parish

Finchingfield and Cornish Hall End are two villages located in the north-west of the Braintree District on the border with Uttlesford District. 

The Parish is adjacent to Great Bardfield, Wethersfield, Shalford, Toppesfield and Stambourne.

The population of Finchingfield and Cornish Hall End is 1,471 (Census 2011).

Map of the Parish

View map of Finchingfield & Cornish Hall End

For a location plan which shows where the Parishes of Finchingfield and Cornish Hall End are located within the rest of the Braintree District, please download the Key Housing Needs Statistics for Finchingfield and Cornish Hall End.  

Housing needs statistics

Finchingfield & Cornish Hall End - Key Housing Needs Statistics

Download the Key Housing Needs Statistics for Finchingfield & Cornish Hall End

Guide to data & sources (Parishes version)

A guide to reading the key housing needs statistics. It contains more detailed information on sources and how to read and interpret the data.